日前接受國際大數據通信媒體 Telum Media 訪問,MEMO PLUS PR 是第一家在香港被訪問的公關公司,大家可了解更多關於我們的動向,了解更多最新市場資訊。

- Talk us through the agency.
MEMOPLUS PR was launched in 2012 by Babie Li and Man Chan. While Babie is an all-round PR expert, dedicated to developing the local creative PR industry, Man was previously a news anchor at Cable TV, focusing on crisis management and social policy in Hong Kong.
Initially they joined hands to publish the first issue of the MEMO Magazine in Asia. This magazine aimed to address the claim of Hong Kong being a cultural desert. This initial collaboration paved the way and helped to forge diverse networks to start the firm.
When it comes to leadership, Man and Babie believe that respect and communication are the key to success. Conflicts and obstacles may always appear during cooperation and the MEMOPLUS PR always emphasises the importance of active listening and expressing. The key: everyone in the team feels valued!
- What is your main geographical focus / expertise?
After 10 years MEMOPLUS PR focuses on online and offline PR strategies and crisis management. We also do big-data strategic communications - take advantage of big data systems by maximising the effectiveness and efficiency with the support of AI analyses and hands-on experiences. While MEMOPLUS is homegrown in Hong Kong, we are currently proactively exploring development opportunities in the Greater Bay Area and Southeast Asia.
- Tell us more about MEMOPLUS PR clients.
We at MEMOPLUS PR pride ourselves of being a cross-industry agency. With almost 10 years of experience, 80 percent of our new clients are referral cases without a sales team. We provide a diverse range of services to government institutes and NGOs as well as inputting the concept of CSR and CSV to projects to contribute to society.
- What are the core values of your company and what do you look for in new hires?
“We do more than you think” and “make it happen” are our company’s mottos. At MEMOPLUS PR, we envision ourselves as problem solvers. Nothing is impossible with our talented team. Creativity and team spirit are the core values of our company. Reputation, loyalty, work ethics, sense of mission and problem-solving skills are our criteria for new hires. New hires must share the same goal, as well as having the same ideology, pace and determination.
- Any future goals MEMOPLUS PR would like to achieve this year and in five years?
This year, we are planning to launch a few new branches of MEMOPLUS PR. One of them is RICE CIRCLE, an all-round integrated solution that can help businesses to grow their success through precision marketing.
Moreover, we wish to put more effort into social innovations. Today the value of resource sharing is important. We would like to take the initiative to foster this concept and allow different industries to create something great under the pandemic.
We would also like to develop our current projects. The first one is HK CHE CHE - an informative platform for domestic helpers and their employers in HK - which we hope to extend beyond Hong Kong.
Our second project is HKCPRC, a PR-based interschool competition co-organised with the Education Bureau (EDB), to spread the concept of creative PR as well as nurture new talents. Babie initiated this and we wish to recruit more teens from places other than Hong Kong to foster the PR talents and explore their potential.
- Any key PR trends you are keeping an eye on?
Firstly, we are focusing on big data-based strategic communications. We aim to make good use of advanced technologies to enhance the PR decision-making process. We do this by focusing on the OMO model (online-merges-offline), bringing together the advantages of the virtual business situation and the real world one.
Another trend is that the PR industry may be overlooked by the public. Our goal is for the PR profession to deserve more credit and to be included in the realm of professional services. The aforementioned projects are all part of this goal.
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